Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17
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Sheldon Cooper |
#175 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:14.12.2011 02:24#170: Disgusted - and an ex pupil too! - Re: Re: Re: Re: who is calling the mother 'stupid'? I don't see any comment regarding that quote. seriously this whole thing is off the point, judging people by their written language? I don't care about my language, but I do not appreciate all this insulting about people written language! as for Molly, sorry that you are going into depression. but I have been reading articles from all views, the ban of dog into canteen and big assembly hall were agreed with the blind association. the school had been consulting with guide dog for the blind people and blind association - it is not like the school just made up their own rules. dog not being able to enter the canteen does not restrict YOU from using the canteen with your friends. everyone I know are very upset with the fact that these campaign had to be known to the world. it is not giving justice for Molly but arguments/debate between people. this could simply be dealt with watt family, school, blind association and if desperate the court. I wonder how many of these comments are written by molly's mother and why she is not using her name! |
No I'm not Molly's mum!! |
#178 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-12-14 09:32:41#175: Sheldon Cooper - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't understand why there have been 2 remarks indicating I'm Molly's Mum. I guess you struggle to comprehend that people disagree with you. I AM an ex MH pupil. I'm profoundly deaf. Comments on here HAVE been insulting towards Molly's Mum - there's no need for it. Also, I'm not criticising everyone's language - I'm simply saying that the person who wrote a lengthy post full of legal stuff came across as really high handed and used casual language - it didnt add up. By the way, if you look at Molly's webpage, it says that Guide Dogs didn't approve the restrictions. Someone is being economical with the truth somewhere along the line. Who know's what the real story is? |
Vieras |
#182 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-12-14 10:07:36#175: Sheldon Cooper - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guidedogs are not in support of the school, more misquotes!!! |
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