Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17
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Vieras |
#174 Tell it like it is.14.12.2011 02:18It could be an overbearing mother is the cause of Molly being paraded in the papers as a victim, and if this causes some resentment amongst some of the pupils then we have to ask who is really to blame for that?? In a school where all the children have special educational needs then they are all special, so let's not go down the 'Animal Farm' route and suggest 'some are more special than others'. I am sure that as the National Grammar School for the deaf, Molly is ideally placed at Mary Hare to give her the best possible education a deaf child could have, and statistics will prove that to be the case. If a mother wants to squander that opportunity by insisting their child be treated differently - regardless, then what type of mother would that person be, certainly not one that puts her child's best interests first. No doubt Molly is not the first child to go through MH with Ushers and probably not the last, If the school had worked to make a compromise then Molly's family should say 'thank you' and Molly would have to accept she would be parted from her dog for the time it takes her to eat a meal, not such a big price to pay, and incidentally when Molly is doing a dance routine in performing arts, which I understand is part of the course requirement, who is her partner? I doubt it is her dog, so let common sense prevail and allow Molly to return to school without all this nonsense - or move on. Merry Christmas. |
Vieras |
#181 Re: Tell it like it is.2011-12-14 09:57:02it hasn't been a grammar school for a long time - facts please !! |
Vieras |
#216 Re: Tell it like it is.2011-12-21 19:55:33well said - I was at Mary Hare in the '70's and several pupils at the time had ushers. No preferential or special treatment were given at the time and everyone managed just fine. Molly is no more special than any of the other pupils at the school and should not be treated otherwise.
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