Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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#164 Re:

14.12.2011 00:08

#153: Anon -  


I think people need facts before being so rude & insensitive, if a doctor signs anybody off anywhere with depression it is cause for concern. Neither Molly nor her mum mentioned fashion accessory or cane to any reporter. Plus why should Molly be made to not use her guidedog by anybody?. It seems very strange that people can assume they know best based on an article in the daily fail. Neither child should be prioritised - this boy has had regular meetings with the guidedog & the teachers dogs that have regularly been on site without reaction! Such things need investigation, before any isolation of everybody!!



#171 Re: Re:says who??

2011-12-14 01:28:33