Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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11.12.2011 20:49

I feel very sorry for Molly but she has chosen to place herself in isolation by refusing to accept help from friends or use a cane for the short time she would need to eat and be separated from the Guide Dog she's only owned for a short time. Better to ask for help than risk the life of another. I have had anaphylactic shock and would not wish anyone else to risk that or die from it, all because someone else believes their needs are more important than another person's life. Incidentally, I don't have a medical certificate which states my two potentially fatal allergies, I also don't know of anyone who suffers from serious allergies who has a certificate.



#149 Re:

2011-12-12 08:00:21

#145: -  


the facts are that Molly is bot refusing to go to school, depression as a result of over 8 hours of isolation has made her unable to return to school. The second fact is nobody ever died of anaphylactic shock as a result of a dog allergy FACT. The alleged allergy is just that, ALLEGED, there is no proof of allergy as there is no up to date evidence. It is a Shane people make comment unaware of facts !! Why should batboy be pushed from school without good reason?