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#41080 Re: Pintaa syvemmältä....

17.08.2014 22:41


No sitähän miekii yritin tilata just.  Laitan tähän vielä rukouspyyntöä Irakin suunnalta:

Pyyntö kirjoitettu 4.8.   Canon Andrews Blog:


Today’s Pictures are too awful to show. You know I love to show photos but the photo I was sent today was the most awful I have ever seen. A family of 8 all shot through the face laying in a pool of blood with their Bible open on the couch. They would not convert    it cost them there life.
I thought of asking if anybody wanted to see the picture but it is just too awful to show to anybody. This is Iraq today. The only hope and consolation is that all these dear people are now all with Yesua in Glory

How Can You Help

  1. Pray for the protection of us and all Christians here.
  2. Pray for our Provision that we may be able to help all in need at this desperate time. People may give to our Foundation (FRRME) both in the US (a 501C3) and the UK (A Registered Charity) UK www.frrme.org & US www.frrmeamerica.org.
  3. Pray for our Pe-rseverance that we and our people will not give up the spiritual fight before us.

With every blessing,







#41081 Re: Re: Pintaa syvemmältä....

2014-08-17 22:57:07

#41080: - Re: Pintaa syvemmältä.... 




Muistetaanko heitä myös erityisesti aamulla:

There is more than 5,000 people scattered between the roads and in all the old constructions sites. Some have nothing to live of or no, because they are way behind where no body is checking. Also, I found more than a couple of families (That probably around 9-13 members) Just living on the side of the road by their cars having nothing but 3000 ID in total (that equals $2 and 4 cents). There kids were really sick as well. Got them proper Milk and diapers, but they need medical care.