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#40167 Sukupuolineutraali avioliittolaki loukkaa lapsen oikeuksia

03.08.2014 15:11

Sukupuolineutraalin avioliittolain perusongelma on siinä, että se asettaa aikuisen oikeudet lapsen oikeuksien edelle.

”Sukupuolineutraali avioliitto muuttaa avioliiton lasta suojelevasta aikuisia suojelevaksi instituutioksi. Ilman miehen ja naisen välistä avioliittoa yhteiskunnasta puuttuu instituutio, joka suojelee lapsen oikeutta kasvaa isänsä ja äitinsä hoidossa. Vaikka sukupuolineutraalia avioliittoa markkinoidaan tasa-arvon nimissä, se loukkaa lapsen biologista perustarvetta tuntea isänsä ja äitinsä ja pakottaa monia lapsia elämään keinotekoisessa maailmassa ilman isää tai äitiä. (Kasvatustieteen professori Tapio Puolimatka)

Ten Arguments From Social Science Against Same-Sex Marriage (By Family Research Council)

A large and growing body of scientific evidence indicates that the intact, married family is best for children. In particular, the work of scholars David Popenoe, Linda Waite, Maggie Gallagher, Sara McLanahan, David Blankenhorn, Paul Amato, and Alan Booth has contributed to this conclusion.

This statement from Sara McLanahan, a sociologist at Princeton University, is representative:

If we were asked to design a system for making sure that children's basic needs were met, we would probably come up with something quite similar to the two-parent ideal. Such a design, in theory, would not only ensure that children had access to the time and money of two adults, it also would provide a system of checks and balances that promoted quality parenting. The fact that both parents have a biological connection to the child would increase the likelihood that the parents would identify with the child and be willing to sacrifice for that child, and it would reduce the likelihood that either parent would abuse the child.

Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur, Growing Up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps (Boston: Harvard University Press, 1994) 38.

The following are ten science-based arguments against same-sex "marriage":

1. Children hunger for their biological parents. [Viitteet: Kyle Pruett, Fatherneed (Broadway Books, 2001) 204. Elizabeth Marquardt, The Moral and Spiritual Lives of Children of Divorce. Forthcoming.]

2. Children need fathers. [Viitteet: * Ellis, Bruce J., et al., "Does Father Absence Place Daughters at Special Risk for Early Sexual Activity and Teenage Pregnancy?" Child Development, 74:801-821. * David Popenoe, Life Without Father (Boston: Harvard University Press, 1999).]

3. Children need mothers. [Viitteet: Eleanor MacCoby, The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together (Boston: Harvard, 1998). Steven Rhoads, Taking Sex Differences Seriously (Encounter Books, 2004).]

4. Evidence on parenting by same-sex couples is inadequate. [Viite: Steven Nock, affidavit to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice regarding Hedy Halpern et al. University of Virginia Sociology Department (2001).]

5. Evidence suggests children raised by homosexuals are more likely to experience gender and sexual disorders. [Viite: Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz, "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" American Sociological Review 66: 159-183. See especially 168-171.]

6. Same-sex "marriage" would undercut the norm of sexual fidelity within marriage. [Viite: Esther Rothblum and Sondra Solomon, Civil Unions in the State of Vermont: A Report on the First Year. University of Vermont Department of Psychology, 2003.]

7. Same-sex "marriage" would further isolate marriage from its procreative purpose. [Viitteet:For national fertility rates, see: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sw.html, For more on the growing disconnect between marriage and procreation, see: http://marriage.rutgers.edu/Publications/SOOU/SOOU2003.pdf]

8. Same-sex "marriage" would further diminish the expectation of paternal commitment. [Viitteet: James Q. Wilson, The Marriage Problem. (Perennial, 2003) 175-177. George A. Akerlof, Janet L. Yellen, and Michael L. Katz, "An Analysis of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in the United States." Quarterly Journal of Economics CXI: 277-317.]

9. Marriages thrive when spouses specialize in gender-typical roles. [Viitteet: E. Mavis Hetherington and John Kelly, For Better or For Worse. (W.W. Norton and Co., 2002) 31. Steven Rhoads, Taking Sex Differences Seriously (Encounter Books, 2004).]

10. Women and marriage domesticate men. [Viitteet: Steve Nock, Marriage in Men's Lives (Oxford University Press, 1998). Hardwired to Connect: The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities (Institute for American Values, 2003) 17.]

Tutkimusten mukaan biologisen isän ja äidin muodostama avioliitto on lapsen kannalta paras vaihtoehto, joten sen lainsäädännöllinen suosiminen on perusteltua lapsen oikeuksien näkökulmasta.


Sivuston ylläpitäjä on poistanut tämän viestin (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)

2014-08-03 15:23:09

Homot eivät välitä lasten oikeuksista

#40183 Re: Sukupuolineutraali avioliittolaki loukkaa lapsen oikeuksia

2014-08-03 17:46:04

#40167: - Sukupuolineutraali avioliittolaki loukkaa lapsen oikeuksia

Jo tämä riittää kaatamaan homoliitot. Nyt kaikki jakamaan tämä kansanedustajille ja nopeasti, jotta saadaan homoliitot lopullisesti jäihin ja pakkanen täysille. Homot polkee lasten oikeuksia mm. Hollannissa pedofilipuolue ajaa lapsiin sekaantumista jne.