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27.04.2013 11:11

Kaikki homot eivät kannata homoavioliittoja

Kaikki homot eivät kannata homoliittoja, vaikka luulisi toisin.

Ranskalainen lesbo Nathalie Willencourt sanoo: ”Minä olen ranskalainen. Minä olen homo. Useimmat homoseksuaalit eivät halua avioliittoa eivätkä adoptio-oikeutta.”

Näin sanoo Nathalie, Homovoxin perustaja, joka ajaa homoseksuaalien oikeuksia. Mutta hänkään ei aja homojen avioliitto- ja adoptio-oikeutta.

Tässä alkuperäinen lähde.


Ja tässä googlen konekäännös.




#11640 Re:

2013-04-27 11:26:23

#11637: -

Kaikki kristityt eivät vastusta tasa-arvoista avioliittolakia.

Kaikki esiteini-ikäiset lapset eivät halua suojaikärajaa estämään sekstailua kolmikymppisen poikaystävänsä kanssa.

Kaikki juutalaiset eivät kannata Israelin ulkopolitiikkaa.

Mitä Homovoxiin tulee, niin ketään tuskin yllättää tieto siitä, että järjestön taustahenkilöt (jotka on kampanjassa salattu, I wonder why..) ovat katolisen kirkon edustajia sekä joukko ns. ex-homoja.

"When is an LGBT organisation not an LGBT organisation? When it has been established by an antigay French conservative Catholic to make it seem as if there is “French LGBT” opposition to marriage equality. Thus it is with France’s  “Homovox”, allegedly a “French” gay organisation of  “LGBT” marriage equality opponents. However, on his website, Joe. My. God’s commenters uncovered who was actually behind the website, which turned out to be someone from the French Catholic Right. To  be more precise:

Maillard Jean-Baptiste
13 rue Clapeyron
Paris, 75008

A google search of Maillard Jean-Baptiste turned up this:


He appears to be an anti-gay French Catholic. As was one of the other gay contributors:

http://www.araigneedudesert.fr… and (from my bad French translation) seems to be a catholic too. Makes sense that they are spouting the Catholic talking points. And moreover…

All of this guys books are for sale on a French anti-gay Catholic website. I hope French gays are calling out this ex-gay douchebag.

This is a description of his new “book” (96 pages long):

“HIGHLIGHTS: News from the future “marriage for all” brings everyone to wonder about the social meaning of homosexuality. The language of truth will help to identify, for himself and his relationships with others. A language which can be easily understood by young people and that makes it accessible to other codes of the most fashionable culture. For people who feel directly affected by the homosexual desire, it is a true guide to guide his life.

Doing some more research on these guys–they are all Catholics, some are ex-gay, most are right-wingers, and some can’t be found online.

None of these men–an no women–give their full names, where they work, and the man who claims to be the mayor of a “village” doesn’t actually name his village. [Fascinating, and suspicious...]"



#11641 Re:

2013-04-27 11:27:29

#11637: -

Ja tässä vähän tietoa tästä mummosta!
