Antiikin kulttuurin ja klassillisen arkeologian opetuksen on jatkuttava Helsingissä!
Allekirjoitukset, joissa on kommentti mukana
I am signing because I appreciate the contributions of Finnish colleagues and the tradition of Classical Archaeology in Finland (and the work and lively activities of the Finnish Institute in Athens, well conneced with the international scientific community!)(Vienna, 12.05.2018)
The classical Antiquity is a primordial field in the study of the human heritage, and by the way to reflection the culture and society we live each day. At the same time, ancient greek and latin languages are two key doors for a literary works that deploys ideas, costumes, values, politics, spirituality, and so on so far, focusing on the human and his (constructive or egoistic) interaction with himself, others or the world around him.I'm concerned and against the loose of the classical archeology and ancient culture studies at the University of Helsinki.
(Martínez, 12.05.2018)
I taught at a university which abolished almost all humanities teaching.(Albany, 12.05.2018)
Doctorate candidate in Classics(Dublin, 12.05.2018)
The Classics are an integral part of our cultural heritage in every way!(Montreal, 12.05.2018)
At a time of the greatest wealth worldwide ever known in human history, we are ... cutting back on humanistic education? That is insane. Surely we should be expanding on every front, so as to meet the needs for cultivated leisure of the next generation! Vivat curriculum classicum (et valde longius stent illi nuntii latini!)(Chagford, 12.05.2018)
Samanlainen tapahtui meidänkin yliopistossa.... Meilläkin oli adressi, mutta latiinan pääaineopetus lakkautetaan kuitenkin vuodesta 2019, kun kielten laitoksen latiinan lehtori jää eläkkeelle. Ylläri ylläri :((Jyväskylä, 12.05.2018)
In todays world it is becoming increasingly clear how impietant is to know ones roots and how our present and past are being narrated and constructed anew. Knowledge of Ancient Greece and Rome are crucial in this respect. Even in Finland!(Prague, 12.05.2018)
It is a matter of fundamental importance to provide the future students of Finland the chance to study, understand and implement in the social welfare of their country the founding principles of our shared European identity.(Tuebingen, 12.05.2018)
European culture is important to study from it´s historical roots otherwise it is not grounded properly(Helsinki, 12.05.2018)
Hulluja nuo suomalaiset kun ei ät ole kiinnostuneita tutkimuksesta ja opiskelemisesta.(Helsinki, 12.05.2018)
Destruction of Humanities by careless admin must stop!(Helsinki, 13.05.2018)
I am familiar with both the excellent contributions of Finnish classical archaeologists and the continuing scholarly work of the institutes in Rome and Athens. strongly endorse the efforts to retain the lectureship in classical archaeology and ancient culture at the University of Helsinki(Charlottesville, Virginia, 13.05.2018)
Aineellisen kulttuurin tutkimus tukee sitä antiikin kielten ja kulttuurin tuntemusta, mikä on oleellista nykyeurooppalaisen itseymmärryksen kannalta. Yliopistolla on myös laajempi kulttuurinen vastuunsa hoidettavana!(Tampere, 13.05.2018)
I support classical greek and latin culture! I have latin language exam too.(Debrecen, 13.05.2018)
Change the bad decision, save the future of the discipline!(Prague, 13.05.2018)
For some of us reading Classical history and Classics related courses, it our hope to continue PHD in Finland if the opportunity comes.For this and other reasons, I would plea for mercy that the program is maintaining.
(Cape Coast, 13.05.2018)
I fully agree with the petition.(Brno, 13.05.2018)
Because small specialisation make diversity and classical archaeology improves thought about us and our culture.(Ceske Budejovice, 13.05.2018)
A decision that is short-sighted and that disadvantages students in Finland(Hebden Bridge, 13.05.2018)
It seems astonishing that a university with such a formidable reputation for the study of the Ancient World should fail to appreciate the international damage that is done by a move like this.(Edinburgh, 13.05.2018)
Olen aivan yliopiston ulkopuolinen ihminen, mutta en voi käsittää miten voisi olla maan ykkösyliopisto ilman juuri tätä sivistyksen ytimen opetusta.(Helsinki, 13.05.2018)
Jos tätä virkaa ei jatketa, tulevat ongelmat vastaan vasta useamman vuoden päästä, kun alan osaajat vähenevät Suomesta. Ateenan ja Rooman instituutit tarvitsevat osaajia jatkossa, joilla on pohjatieto kasassa valmiina. Jos tämä oppituoli poistetaan, pakottaa se varmasti opiskelijoita lähtemään ulkomaille hakemaan antiikin tietämystä. Tämä päätös on valitettavan lyhytnäköinen. Se tulee tekemään suurempaa vaurioita kuin arvataankaan. Niiden korjaaminen tulee olemaan kallista ja hankalaa tulevaisuudessa.(Turku, 13.05.2018)
I'm signing because I am sick and tired of this continuing downgrading of Finnish education. I don't want my country to be reduced little by little to the level of barbarism where the only thing that matters is quick money.(Vantaa, 13.05.2018)
Koitetaan pitää tutkimuksen tasoamme yllä, ihan vain tulevaisuutta ajatellen.(Nurmijärvi, 13.05.2018)
Ne privons pas les générations futures de la faculté de savoir d'où elles viennent !(GAP, 13.05.2018)
Anledningarna att skämmas för mitt alma mater hopar sig(Helsingfors, 13.05.2018)
This is a dreadful idea to stop teaching.(Gloucester, 13.05.2018)
You cannot put a price on the development of minds!(WOKING, 13.05.2018)
At the moment when the relationship with satellite cultures seen as outside of the Graeco Roman world is only just beginning to become apparent because of the application of new techniques and producing a broader view of antiquity and beyond. Is not the moment to abandon the subject but expanded it.(Binissalem, 13.05.2018)
I sign this petition on behalf of the teachers of classics in Denmark hoping that the lectureship in Classical Archeology and Ancient Helsinki can be filled again in order to continue an important tradition of classical studies in Northern Europe. This tradition is not only important for classical studies in Finland but also for our common Nordic relation to classical culture and for the continuation of classical studies in general in which Finland has contributed considerably. I have often met Finish researchers and students of Classics in Greece and Italy and I have always been impressed be their high educational level. I hope that Finland in the future can play the same important role for the relation between Nordic tradition and Classical civilization as it always has.Bringing Nordic and classical culture together
(Copenhagen, 13.05.2018)
I hate to see any reduction in the teaching of an intriguing, fascinating and increasingly challenging subject(London, 13.05.2018)
Very Short Sighted academic decision & the Finns deserve better from their educational services(Newhaven, 13.05.2018)