Helsingin yliopiston työntekijät leikkauksia vastaan – tukiadressi opiskelijoiden valtaukselle
Allekirjoitukset, joissa on kommentti mukana
The proposed laws are mass murdering people's peace of mind and attempts to settled and thrive, in Finland. The proposed laws, if they take effect, will harm and traumatize students and non-citizens and will have nasty consequences on the society in general. Such laws make politics stagnate in works of tightening, racism and austerity, rather than mobilizing science and education for change and peace.Ali Ali (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
As an international student that struggled building the support to my academic research in Finland, I'm signing this petition because the forecasted further withdrawal of resources from students, and harsher conditions for international students, is the cause for the deepest concern on the future of intellectual and scientific life, as well as social wellbeing, in Finland.Daniele Burlando (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Hallituksen leikkaukset vahingoittavat koko yliopistoyhteisöä ja myös tulevaisuuden yhteiskuntaa. Jos opiskelijoiden ei ole taloudellisesti mahdollista opiskella, yliopisto ei voi tuottaa tutkintoja eikä osaavia asiantuntijoita. Hallituksen toimet, joissa samanaikaisesti leikataan opiskelijoiden opiskelumahdollisuuksista ja edellytetään yliopistoilta opiskelijoiden yhä nopeampaa valmistumista, ovat syvästi ristiriitaisia. Helsingin yliopiston on syytä näkyvästi tukea opiskelijoiden vaatimuksia.Anu Korhonen (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
My support to the student community! This is to say no to any form of discrimination and racism.Alessandra Aldrovandi (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
I support students in their fight for decent living standards. Students are the heart of the university, the reason most of us have jobs, and they cannot thrive in our classrooms or contribute to the academic community if they cannot afford housing or food, or are discriminated against as international students. The university has a responsibility to guarantee its own students are supported, financially and socially.Zoë Jay (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Opiskelijat ovat jo nyt köyhintä kansaa, opintotukien jäädytys samalla kuin suurituloisten veroja alennetaan on voinut olla ainoastaan hopealusikka suussa syntyneiden päätös.Boris Sokolov (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
The university management must visibly and resolutely defend the livelihood, wellbeing, and status of all students!!!Larisa Kangaspuro (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Universities should be places of secure learning, which allow diverse people to openly and safely debate about important societal issues. Universities are a part of the fabric of a society for the education of the populous not for the training of workers. Universities should be for the flattening of society, not for the perpetuation of an elite.Kirby Vincent (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
I stand in solidarity with the students’ positions.Marianna Vivitsou (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
As an international student, I suffer from having less opportunities compared to Finnish ones. I have not been awarded any funding from the University of Helsinki or a Finnish Foundation/organisation and the majority, not event for travel. However, I received grands from other countries - despite being a student in Finland - which show that my research project has value. This is demotivating as my own University does not support me and I feel I am not given the same support Finnish student are granted. Even just to access higher-demand courses is way more difficult.Federica Prandin (helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Franzini F. (2022). Wooden multistory construction as perceived by Finland’s municipal civil servants overseeing land use planning. doi.org/10.14214/df.325Excerpt from a doctoral dissertation pg. 6
Where there is a long list of individuals that I should like to thank for standing by me throughout this incredible period of my life, I hope you will forgive me for being unable to do so. At the risk of appearing ungrateful, allow me to apologize and explain. In the months leading up to the finalization of this thesis, I found myself thinking about what made this opportunity possible. It is true that I could not have accomplished my research goals without the support of brilliant academic colleagues, peers, examiners, reviewers, and a special set of outstanding friends, but before all this came a unique opportunity. My journey began with a humanitarian act of free education. I moved to Finland in 2016 to attend an international master’s program that levied no tuition fees even though I was a citizen of Uruguay. It turns out, this was the last time non-EU students received tuition-free admission. And so, I’ve thought about this fact almost daily, wondering where I would be today without humanitarianism. The hard truth is, I would likely have forgone my education, despite my deep desire to learn. When I finalized my master’s thesis during May 2018, I wrote:
“I wake up every day and think about the good fortunate I had to end up in Finland. The system allowing me to study free of charge, regardless of not being from an EU state, puts on me a social burden that I cannot know I will ever repay—but I will strive to do so. I plead to those who are doubtful or against this system, reconsider. There is a necessity to promote humanitarian acts which establish freedom of education for individuals regardless of where they come from. If I were Finnish, I would be proud to know I supported someone in coming closer to achieving their dreams. Because indeed, that is what Finland has done for me.”
Today, these feelings remain unchanged. Yet, my sense of urgency towards the reestablishment of free tuition has strengthened. As I find myself fulfilling the very dream hinted at in an acknowledgement letter written four years ago, I contemplated whether to fill this page yet again with the names of those who helped me reach my dream. But truthfully, a dignified gesture by the state of Finland and the University of Helsinki is my raison d'être. Thus, I cannot shake the feeling I ought to also acknowledge in being among the last few students afforded this dignity. Of course, this acknowledgement comes with the hefty realization that this same dignity is unavailable to others who wish to stand where I am today. I am constantly haunted by this feeling, so I would take this moment to restate my plea: reconsider imposing tuition fees onto non-EU students. Do this, and signal to the world that acts of welfare are not privileges and dignities granted on the basis of where we are born; but rather something to which all humans are entitled.
Florencia Franzini
February 17, 2022
Helsinki, Finland
Florencia Franzini (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Leikkaukset voivat heikentää sekä nuorten halua että heidän mahdollisuuksiaan opiskella. Kumpikin on jo yksinään huono asia. Seuraukset voivat tulla yhteiskunnalle kalliiksi.Päivi Kuusi (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Annan täyden tukeni opiskelijoiden vaatimuksille kaikkein pienituloisimpiin kohdistuvien leikkausten perumisesta sekä maahanmuuttoon kohdistuvien heikennysten perumisesta.Anna Rainio (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Tuen tätä adressia, koska uskon, että opiskelijoissa on yliopiston ja Suomessa tehtävän tieteen tulevaisuus.Anne Virkki (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Jag stötter studenternas krav!Reynir Eggertsson (Helsingfors, 22.09.2023)
I'm completely agree to your brave actions.Sara Park (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
.Eyrun Gyda Gunnlaugsdottir (HELSINKI, 22.09.2023)
I show empathy for the cause, as I am against ay form of racism and cuts that affect students wellbeing.Grace Joplin (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
For solidarity and humanity!Zhen Zeng (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Tukea opiskelijoille!Juhani Koponen (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Älä katkaise viheriöivää oksaa, muista huomisen toivoElina Kahla (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
This discriminatory policy affects people like me (foreign nationals)Nitin Agrawal (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Equality is everyone's rightNo room for discrimination
Hany Saber Mansour (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
I am against the government changes and want to make better opportunities for international students to stay and work in Finland.Katie Butcher (Helsinki+, 22.09.2023)
Opiskelijat ovat yliopiston kaikki kaikessaSeppo Sainio (Kerava, 22.09.2023)
Aloituspaikkoja ei saa lisätä, ellei lisää rahoitusta kohdenneta myös yliopiston perustoimintaan. Ennestään kuormittunut henkilöstö ei voi venyä kasvaviin opiskelijamääriin ilman, että opetuksen laatu heikkenee.Mietta Lennes (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Opiskelun muuttaminen rikkaiden etuoikeudeksi on tavattoman lyhytnäköistä politiikkaa.Markku Koskinen (Helsinki, 22.09.2023)
Opiskelijoita ei saa unohtaa, heitä pitää tukea, jotta he jaksavat lukea!Pekka Oivanen (Tuusula, 22.09.2023)