Suomen HALLITUKSEN pyydettävä anteeksi Israelilta!


/ #2693 Haifa's Helping Hand Retirement Home - Supports Impoverished Holocaust Survivors

27.04.2012 19:19


Haifa's Helping Hand

Retirement Home Supports Impoverished Holocaust Survivors

Shimon Sabag is the founder of the home and director of the charity organization Yad Ezer L'Haver -- Hebrew for "a helping hand to a friend." He began operating soup kitchens after an injury in a car accident some 20 years ago led him to rethink his life goals. He says he recognized the need for an old people's home when the number of Holocaust survivors visiting the soup kitchens began to surge.







Jessica Donath

Many Holocaust survivors in Israel are forced to spend what should be their golden years in poverty. Yudith Setz (pictured here), deputy director of the aid department of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, a Christion Zionist organization, says: "We heard so many stories of people having to decide whether to pay their electricity bill or to buy medicine."












Sarah Samir (left) and other Holocaust survivors eat lunch at the Helping Hands, Israel's first and only residence for elderly Holocaust survivors, located in the northern city of Haifa.,1518,759733,00.html


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