Suomen HALLITUKSEN pyydettävä anteeksi Israelilta!
Vieras |
/ #1969 Baruch Goldstein: Cave of the Patriarchs massacre08.03.2012 21:09 The Israeli government divided the Cave of the Patriarchs into two sections, one for Jewish worshippers and the other for Muslim worshippers. At 05:00 a.m. on 25 February, 800 Palestinian Muslims passed through the east gate of the cave to participate in Fajr, the first of the five daily Islamic prayers.[23] The cave was under Israeli Army guard, but of the nine soldiers supposed to have been on duty, four were late turning up, and only one officer was there.[3] Shortly afterwards, Goldstein entered the Isaac Hall of the cave. He was dressed in his army uniform and carried an IMI Galil assault rifle and four magazines of ammunition, which held a total of 140 rounds in 35 rounds per each magazine. He was not stopped by the guards, who assumed that he was an officer entering the tomb to pray in an adjacent chamber reserved for Jews.[4] Standing in front of the only exit from the cave and positioned to the rear of the Muslim worshippers, he opened fire, killing 29 people and wounding another 125. According to survivors, he bided his time until sojud, the prayer said while worshippers kneel towards Mecca.[24] After someone in the crowd hurled a fire extinguisher which struck him on the head, he was overcome and then beaten to death.[2] |
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Sakset seis! Suuri kulttuuriadressi
Forssan sairaalan palvelut turvattava
Lääkärin ja hoitajan vastaanotto säilytettävä Vähässäkyrössä
Henkilökohtainen anteeksipyyntö Israelilta ja Jumalalta
Vaadimme muutosta Suomen Israel-politiikkaan YK:ssa
Sotiemme veteraanit linnanjuhliin 6.12.2024.
Adressi Kaarinan musiikkiluokkien säilyttämisen puolesta
Ei kaavamuutoshankkeelle, jolla Katariinanlaakson virkistysalueelle kaavoitetaan kerrostaloja!
Kajaanin nälkäkuolemaan tuomitut linnut Linnanvirralla
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