Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

Disgusted - and an ex pupil too!

/ #197 Last word as we're getting nowhere :-(

14.12.2011 22:40

This is causing so much heated argument and the way the forum is laid out, it is easy to confuse people and tie ourselves up in knots. I was guilty of this last night, but infuriated by some of the attitudes, mostly from fellow ex pupils like myself. The fact is that it is highly likely to be illegal under the Equalities Act to ban a Guide Dog from a public place, such as Blount Hall. I cannot believe the previous poster who said that eating in a side room was a privilege! I am sure Molly would like to eat in the same room as everyone else and not be singled out this way, whether or not her friends sat with her or not. I have been reading up on this case today and apparently the young person with the allergy is involved in walking a member of staff's dog on the campus? Surely this cannot be right? Also, there have been pet dogs on campus for as long as I can remember, has the young person had a reaction? His situation is dreadful, but those who slate Molly and say "life is tough" should maybe apply the same thinking to the boy in question. To go through life completely avoiding animals is impossible. There seems to be conflicting stories at every twist and turn. To end, no I'm not Molly's Mum, yes I am an ex MH pupil, no I hope I am not a "prat" as I was so charmingly called last night.