Kansanäänestys sukupuolineutraalin lakiehdotuksen kumoamiseksi


/ #347

18.12.2014 14:10

The International Children's Rights Institute


Five basic rights serve as the baseline for ICRI’s discourse*: 

1. Every child has a natural right to be born free, neither purchased nor sold. (Included is the right of the child to be born.)

2. Every child has a right to a mother and a father, wherever possible.

3. Every child has a right to bond with the heritage of his or her biological parents as much as possible, unless exigent circumstances require that he or she be placed in an alternative arrangement.

4. Every child has a right to a standard of living that satisfies his or her physical, emotional and psychosocial developmental needs. This includes stable economic country conditions.

5. Every child has a right to be protected from sexual abuse and exploitation. This includes the right to modesty and protection from excessively mature subject matter.

