
/ #697

30.08.2011 20:24

Yksitäisten arabikylien tyhjennystapahtumia Israelin itsenäisyyssodassa.

Deir Yassin after occupation by Jewish forces, April 1948

In an effort by the Jewish militias to clear the road to Jerusalem, which was being blockaded by Arab forces, Deir Yassin was attacked and emptied of its inhabitants on April 9, 1948, by 120 Irgun and Lehi forces (juutalaisia terroristijärjestöjä, ks. myös Menachem Begin ja Altalena), reinforced by Haganah troops.[6]

The invasion was part of the Haganah's Operation Nachshon. A unit from the Palmach, the Haganah's strike force, took part in the assault using mortars.[5] Around 107 villagers, including women and children, and four Irgun or Lehi men were killed.[7] The incident became known as the Deir Yassin massacre.