
/ #645 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mietteitä

27.08.2011 21:43

#636: Vieras - Re: Re: Re: Re: Mietteitä

"Toki alueella oli joitakin kristittyjä arabiperheitä.  Kuitenkin selvästi suurin ryhmä oli muualta maailmasta muuttaneita kristittyjä, kuten Yhdysvalloista, Englannista sekä muualta Euroopasta, myös joitakin perheitä Suomesta."

According to the CIA world factbook, as of 2009, the following statistics are available on Palestinian Christians.

Population group

Christian population

% Christian

West Bank* 167,000 8
Gaza Strip 10,000 0.3
Arabs in Israel 123,000 9.1
Non-Arabs in Israel** 29,000 0.4
Total (only Arabs) 302,000 6.0
Total (including non-Arabs) 331,000 3.0
* The value includes Samaritans and other unspecified minorities.

** Non-Arabs in Israel don't necessarily identify as Palestinian.

Around 50% of Palestinian Christians belong to the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, one of the 16 churches of Eastern Orthodoxy. This community has also been known as the Arab Orthodox Christians. There are also Maronites, Melkite-Eastern Catholics, Jacobites, Chaldeans, Roman Catholics (locally known as Latins), Syriac Catholics, Orthodox Copts, Catholic Copts, Armenian Orthodox, Armenian Catholic, Quakers {Friends Society}, Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans {Episcopal}, Lutherans, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Nazarene, Assemblies of God, Baptists and other Protestants; in addition of small groups of Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and others.


"Toki alueella oli joitakin kristittyjä arabiperheitä. "

302 000 arabikristittyä vuonna 2009.  Niillä "joillakin kristityillä arabiperheillä" on ollut tosi isot perheet!