Avioliitto on naisen ja miehen välinen julkinen liitto


/ #34715

04.05.2014 10:22

Olin aina uskonut,  
nyt tiesin kokemuksesta:  
Jeesuksen valo
on voimakkaampi, kuin syvin pimeys!

Eiliseen Corrie ten Boomin, Kätköpaikka-elokuvaan palaten Youtube tarjoaa
Corrien haastatteluvideon, jossa tämä koeteltu Jumalan ´palvel


ija todistaa:


Olin aina uskonut, nyt tiesin kokemuksesta: Jeesuksen valo
on voimakkaampi, kuin syvin pimeys!

Corrie Ten Boom Interview 1974

- Corrie syntyi Hollanissa kelloseppäperheeseen.  Hänestä tuli kansallissankari

Corrie ten Boom’s family always sheltered p ersecuted people just before World War II. When Holland was invaded by the Nazis their generosity was put to the test. Working with the Dutch underground movement they sheltered, mostly Jews, from Nazi brutality. Corrie, one of the unmarried daughters, found the wall of her room made into "The Hiding Place" for these needy refugees.

The Release of Corrie Ten Boom from Ravensbruck as portrayed as in 'The Hiding Place' movie (Photo courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association).

All of her family, except herself, were killed or died through imprisonment after being discovered. Corrie’s family’s exploits are contained in her book titled "The Hiding Place," which has also been made into a feature film by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

st when such a decision is outlawed.