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Vieras |
/ #32522 Re: Re: Scott Lively24.03.2014 14:28If You don’t know about Scott Lively, here are a few short notes. Would you want him defending or associating with YOUR famil?. Do you think he represents Christianity ? How can he spread such hatred when psychiatrists/psychologists associations and colleges world-wide state that homosexuality is NOT a) disease b) mental illness c) a perversion and they also state that homosexuality CANNOT be reversed by therapy and this lays to rest the lies and hatred that homosexuality is a CHOICE, well it’s not! Scott Lively denies these scientific minds world wide. His knowledge is from a 3,000 year old text, at a time when people where starting a fire with two sticks rubbed together. This man spreads hatred and hatred as we know is an excuse for murder…of course, lively has murdered a person personally!!!! 1. He is currently being charged with “Crimes Against Humanity” in a Massachusette’s Court. The charges are being brought by a Uganda LGBTI group after his visit there. 2. He toured Russia and his trail of devastation is there. Orthodox Church organized marches against LGBTI persons resulting in injuries. 3. He wrote the “Pink Swastika” which claims homosexuals helped bring Nazism to Germany (see Jonathan Zimmerman’s reply below) 4. Now, in August, 2013 he has sent a letter to Putin and a copy of the Pink Swastika. Scott Lively’s book, “Pink Swastika,” is filled with venom and hatred directed against homosexuals. The claim by Lively that homosexuals helped bring Nazism to Germany is based on fabricated lies. Read what a Jewish historian has to say: Jonathan Zimmerman, an historian at New York University, wrote the claim that gay people helped bring Nazism to Germany “is a flat-out lie.”[9] Zimmerman, points out that “Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis arrested roughly 100,000 men as homosexuals. Most convicted gays were sent to prison; between 5,000 and 15,000 were interned in concentration camps, where they wore pink triangles to signify their supposed crime.” He further notes, “To win their release from the camps, some gays were forced to undergo castration. Others were mutilated or murdered in so-called medical experiments by Nazi doctors, who insisted that homosexuality was a disease that could be ‘cured’.” In addition, “Hitler authorized an edict in 1941 prescribing the death penalty for SS and police members found guilty of gay activity.” |
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