Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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28.11.2011 18:27

I am utterly appalled that Molly who is 17 years of age is being denied her education because she has a disability. How irresponsible of her school peers to deprive her of her studies at such an important time in her life. This may jeopardise her entry into college or university. Life is hard enough for able bodied students but to prevent Molly her right to attend school with her Guide Dog is surely against her human rights. My daughter was taught by a teacher who was blind and his guide dog was allowed everywhere within the school and when she puppy walked for GDA she used to take the pups to her lectures at Strathclyde Uni without anyone complaining. Please stop all the negative comments on this forum NOW, and let's all get behind this young girl and support her family.



#108 Re:

2011-11-28 19:00:31

#107: Sheena -

Thank you Sheena,  all we have ever asked is that Molly is treated fairly, she has never asked for any specil treatment, just be as like everybody else as is possible - being singled out has been totally unfair and unjust and as this has only happened since she had her guidedog, it can only be for that reason which is most certainly discriminatory and most certainly encroaches on her human rights - I just wish people would read the facys and act fairly - is that so unreasonable?