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09.09.2011 12:26

Siunaan Israelia .. ikävöin sinne <3



#978 Re:

2011-09-09 13:25:24

#977: -  Siunaan Israelia .. ikävöin sinne <3

Mene sinne! Auta israelilaisia taistelussa palestiinalaisia vastaan! Siunaa siellä Israelia! Lue lisää Raamattua ja katso vielä enemmän TV7:n Israel Newsejä! Älä muita kanavia katsele, valehtelijoita ovat! Äläkä kuuntele muita kuin Leo Melleriä ja Päivi Räsästä! 



#1002 Re:

2011-09-10 09:29:54

#977: -

"The Lancet" reveals horrendous Israeli war crimes

Dr Gideon Polya

Feb 14, 2009

The horrendous mortality and morbidity statistics revealed by the paper "--", just published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet are truly shocking – 1,350 killed (60% children) and 5,450 severely wounded (40% children) in reprisals for zero (0) Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets in the preceding year. This demands International Criminal Court and intra-national prosecutions (e.g. in major Israeli military R & R destination countries Australia, the US, the UK and India) and Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel by all decent Australians and indeed all decent people around the world.

The Gaza Strip is a self-governing Apartheid Israeli Concentration Camp ruled by the Hamas Government which won 76 out of 132 seats in the Occupied Palestinian Parliamentary elections held under Israeli guns in 2006 (Fatah won 43 seats) (see: -- ). The Israelis responded by arresting as many Hamas MPs as they could find, the remainder fleeing to Gaza. In the current Israeli Gaza Massacre, the Israelis are evidently bent on "finishing the job" (they have already destroyed the Gaza Parliament House). The war criminal, pro-Zionist Western backers of Apartheid Israel followed suit by declaring the democratically elected Hamas MPs to be "terrorists" and only dealing with the Fatah.
Under the loathed, Nazi-style, racist Apartheid régime in South Africa its Bantustans were policed by police and the worst atrocity was the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre in which South African police killed 69 African protesters (see: -- ) – "The official figure is that 69 people were killed, including 8 women and 10 children, and over 180 injured, including 31 women and 19 children".
Gaza - what the Catholic Church via Vatican justice and peace minister Cardinal Renato Martino and leading US conservative Pat Buchanan both call an Israeli-guard


#1053 Re:

2011-09-13 14:30:14

#977: -  


> Siunaan Israelia .. ikävöin sinne <3

Tervemenoa. Älä tule takaisin.