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#32320 Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

22.03.2014 14:09

#32319: - Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

Suomessa tullaan syöttämään lapsille oppia, jonka mukaan homot ja sukupuoliorientaatioltaan poikeavat lapset ovat ihan ok ja homous ei ole sairaus. Jos vanhemmat ovat tätä vastaan, voidaan vakavasti kysyä, ovatko he päteviä tämän vuosituhannen lapsien kasvattamisessa.

..ja sitten tätä ja tätä ja tätä...

Voi hyvä jysäys, että homotko terveitä!?

Katso tämä ja päättele itse!


Homoliittolain vaikutukset Massachusettsin osavaltiossa




#32323 Re: Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

2014-03-22 15:37:48


#32324 Re: Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

2014-03-22 15:44:33

#32320: - Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

Tämä selventääkin sinun yrityksiäsi kutsua homoseksuaaleja natseiksi. Hyvin on opetus mennyt perille.



#32325 Re: Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

2014-03-22 15:50:01

#32320: - Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta

bill johnson October 8, 2013 at 8:40 pm -

If gay marriage has been used to force everyone in Massachusetts to accept gay marriage then why is Brian Camenker still able to oppose it?

Moving past that lets look at their so called negative consequences
1: schools teaching the reality that gay couples can get married, well of course they should, schools teaching reality is typically seen as a good thing.
2: The David parker story repeated for the billionth time, yep he was arrested because he threw a tantrum and refused to leave the school when he didn’t get his way. He was warned that if he didn’t leave he would be arrested and still he refused to leave.
3: Insurance, benefits recognition for married gay couples…wait isn’t this supposed to be a list of negative consequences?
4: Wedding businesses having to serve gay couples: yes businesses have to provide the services that they advertise without discriminating, the same thing applies to other categories like race or religion too.
5: State officials having to issue marriage licenses, family law lawyers having to learn about gay marriage: As it should be disagreeing with reality doesn’t mean that you get to ignore reality on the job and simply not do your job.
6: Politicians going to gay pride: again isn’t this supposed to be a list of negative consequences for the state?
7: adoption and foster care workers learning about gay couples, gay parents adopting: wait didn’t they originaly complain that the gays were redefining marriage by making it into something that wasn’t about children? Their own talking points suggest that this should be seen as a good thing.
8: public health: a bunch of lies and misrepresentations about health risks for the gay community while at the same time acting like risk prevention or healthcare geared towards the gay community is a bad thing.
9: gay protests of churches holding anti gay events, or of other anti gay events: the freedom to protest in a lawful manner is a freedom we enjoy in this country and none of the protests he mentioned were unlawful and thus no arrests were made. Repeating the word “intimidate” a billion times while talking about the protesters doesn’t take away their freedom of speech or assembly.
10: slippery slope: a list of things that all have only one thing in common: they are not a result of marriage equality nor do they need marriage equality in order to exist.

Notably absent from that list any affects on heterosexual marriages at all, and all the so called negative consequences that they do list are easily responded to and shown to not be negative consequences at all. In short marriage equality isn’t a bad thing just like we have been saying all along.

Southern Poverty Law Center

#32326 Hategroup

2014-03-22 16:49:06

#32320: - Re: Re: naisen ja miehen avioloiton puolesta


MassResistance, “the leading pro-family grassroots activist group in Massachusetts,” began life in 1995 as the Parents’ Rights Coalition, became the Article 8 Alliance in 2003, and took on its current name in 2006. Its leader, Brian Camenker, is a programmer who was an official of the Article 8 Alliance and also headed the Newton, Mass., chapter of the National Taxpayers’ Association.

As president of yet another group, the Interfaith Coalition of Massachusetts, Camenker spearheaded the drafting of a bill that passed in 1996 and required that parents be notified of any sex education in their children’s schools. That same year, Camenker claimed that suicide prevention programs aimed at gay youth actually were “put together by homosexual activists to normalize homosexuality.” Later, MassResistance charged that groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which support school anti-bullying programs, actually want to lure children into homosexuality and, very possibly, sadomasochism.

At a 2006 religious right gathering in Washington, D.C., Camenker insisted that gays were trying to get legislation passed to allow sex with animals. "One bill in Massachusetts takes away all the penalties for bestiality," he claimed. "This is where this [homosexual] agenda is going." A little later, he added, "They [gays and lesbians] are pushing perversion on our kids."

In 2006-2007, Mass-Resistance pushed for an amendment of the 1996 statute that would have required that parents be notified of any discussion of gay or lesbian issues in the schools. The group proposed language that lumped sexual orientation (which includes heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality) in with criminal behaviors like bestiality and polygamy. During legislative testimony supporting the amendment, Camenker falsely claimed that no homosexuals died in the Holocaust and that the pink triangle the Nazis forced imprisoned gays to wear actually signified Catholic priests. The amendment did not pass.

Camenker, who has long focused on the purported “homosexual agenda” in the schools and frequently claimed gays are dangerous to kids, has repeatedly cited discredited claims from organizations like the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality that link homosexuality and pedophilia.

In 2008, Camenker made another accusation for which there was no supporting evidence at all — the claim that the state of Massachusetts had had to spend more money every year since same-sex marriage became legal in that state. That, he said, was because of “skyrocketing homosexual domestic violence” and because of the “extreme dysfunctional nature of homosexual relationships.”

This year, MassResistance called Boston Gay Pride events a “depraved” display that featured “a great deal of obviously disturbed, dysfunctional, and extremely self-centered people whose aim was to push their agenda.”