Avioliitto on naisen ja miehen välinen julkinen liitto

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19.09.2013 21:49

(Valitettavasti) enklanninkielisiä kuulumisia neuvottelujen tiimoilta Lähi-Idässä:

Among average Palestinians, a different tune is heard. Many are ashamed that their politicians are providing Assad with cover. Everywhere that we talked to Palestinian Arabs - from Jerusalem to Bethlehem to Hebron - all openly cursed Assad. And the reason was two-fold. Palestinians dislike Assad because he is a "butcher," but also because he belongs to the Alawite religious group, and is therefore not considered a true Muslim.

"You have true democracy and respect for human rights. Arabs are not merciful like the Jews," said my gardener, Ali Mansur. "We live in fear, we have no freedom like you. If only we could choose, believe me, most would opt to live under Israeli rule."




#20986 Re:

2013-09-19 22:06:51

#20985: -

Todella mielenkiintoinen kannanotto aiheeseen tasa-arvoinen avioliitto! Taisit erehtyä palstasta?

Aivan mielenkiinnosta..miksi ihannoitte juutalaisuutta? Hehän eivät Jeesusta tunnusta! Ihan noin Israelissa monisen vuotta asuneena tätä kyselen.