Aalto-yliopiston työntekijät - Vetoomus opiskelijoiden mielenilmauksen tukemiseksi

Allekirjoitukset, joissa on kommentti mukana


The occupation is advocating on behalf of our international staff too.

- Doctoral Researcher

Sam Spilsbury (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


Vanhempi yliopistonlehtori, New Media, Aalto ARTS

Matti Niinimäki (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


No cuts to housing subsidies.
No increase in tuition fees.
Let's not impoverish students further (national and international)!

Stephane Deny (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


Doctoral Researcher
I support the students reaction to the Finnish government’s planned cuts on housing, student economy, and immigration laws.

Sara Hulkkonen (Nuutajärvi/Espoo, 28.09.2023)


I'm signing because the government cuts are unsustainable, unfair, and representative of poor governance foresight.

Kaisla Kajava (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


Väitöskirjatutkija, Aalto-yliopiston Matematiikan ja systeemianalyysin laitos

Kalle Alaluusua (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I am against the government policies which promotes discrimination against immigrants. The policies are unfair.

Sharadhi Nagaraja (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


Unnecessary budget cuts by the govt and making life harder for immigrants, which discriminates against many people and doesn’t even improve the economy in the long-term.

Gautam Vishwanath (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


Doctoral Researcher; Dept. of Design & Dept. of Architecture, Aalto ARTS.

Constantinos Miltiades (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I'm signing because I want to stand in solidarity with a group of humans that, despite already widely being treated as second-class, is threatened to lose even more of the little they have.

Adrian Müller (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


I do not support the recent political actions of the sitting government.

Priska Falin (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


As a student and research at Aalto, I support Aalto students’ rights, values and aspirations.

Nathaly Pinto (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


Doctoral Candidate at Aalto Arts and Project Manager Virtual Cinema Lab Research Group

Synes Elischka (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I support students.

Namkyu Chun (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


It‘s the right thing to do

TAEHO KIM (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


I support the students, who are on the right track!

Max Ryynänen (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I want to show my support for our students!

Allu Pyhälammi (Porvoo, 28.09.2023)


Olen tällä hetkellä sekä osa-aikaisesti töissä Aalto-yliopistolla opetusassistenttinä että opiskelijana maisterivaiheessa. Tämän hallituksen tekemät leikkaukset opiskelijoiden tukiin pakottavat opiskelijat töihin, joka ei ole linjassa sen kanssa, että opinnot tulisi saattaa loppuun 5 vuodessa. 15 opintopistettä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi 11,5 tuntia työtä arkipäivää kohden. Jos tämän lisäksi on pakko vielä työskennellä viikonloput, ovat uupuminen ja mielenterveysongelmat vähintäänkin todennäköinen skenaario. Opiskelijat eivät vaadi liikaa tai mahdottomia. He haluavat riittävän toimeentulon ja mahdollisuuden keskittyä oppimaan. Valtaukset ovat tulosta pitkään jatkuneesta opiskelijoiden olojen kurjistamisesta, johon nyt puututtiin.

Vilma Vanhanen (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I totally support the student petitions which aim to protect their rights to study, their well-being and livelihood, while maintaining a non-racist educational structure.

Sofia Guridi (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University

Maiju Suomi (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I support the demands of the students, as they are reasonable in the pursuit of universities being equitable and inclusive spaces for all.

Uttishta Varanasi (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


Hallitus vaihtoon.

Ruurik Holm (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I believe this might help ensure civilized modes of enquiry and decent ways living in my part of the world.

Eeva Berglund (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


These cuts and tightening of residency permits are unjust and discriminatory, and do not build a better future for Finland.

Satu Herrala (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I support the claims and empathize with the protesters.

Arturo Delgado (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


Teaching assistant at CS

Joose Eronen (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I wish to show solidarity with the students and support the demands of The Occupation

Taneli Luotoniemi (Helsinki, 28.09.2023)


I’m a PhD candidate in Aalto University.

Mine Öğretir (Espoo, 28.09.2023)


I’ve studied at Aalto and I currently live in Finland. I totally disagree we the anti immigration and anti student proposals of the new government which lead to increased inequality and discrimination.

Dariush Salami (Espoo, 29.09.2023)


In solidarity with Aalto students and students all over Finland!

Sonja Nielsen (Helsinki, 29.09.2023)


I agree with and support this petition. As an immigrant and expat, I understand and experience these issues personally.

Cody Owen (Espoo, 29.09.2023)


Students' wellbeing is essential for successful studying.

Mikko Illi (Espoo, 29.09.2023)


We, the undersigned, work at Aalto University. We show solidarity with the students and support the demands of The Occupation. We do not consider the university management's reaction to date sufficient. The university management must visibly and resolutely defend all students' livelihood, well-being, and status.

NIna Maskulin (Helsinki, 29.09.2023)


I support the students rights, values and aspirations!

Nitin Sawhney (Helsinki, 29.09.2023)


I am an Aalto employee and I am from Iran. These changes in policies affect me and all those people like me that moved to Finland and want to stay in Finland.

Babak Firoozi Fooladi (Espoo, 30.09.2023)


There's a growing momentum that needs to be addressed in public and therefore it's important to support the students growing confident in their ambitions without having to worry about their livelihood.

Willem Vrancken (Lansi-Pasila, 30.09.2023)


Arkkitehtuurin historian ja restauroinnin professori Aallossa. Upeaa toimintaa! En voisi enempää olla näiden hyvin aiheellisten vaatimusten puolella.

Panu Savolainen (Turku, 01.10.2023)


I support the fair demands of the students regarding recent governmental intentions to cut students' benefits which will harm their well-being.

Hani Tarabichi (Espoo, 02.10.2023)


I wish to stand in solidarity in the face of the government's proposed labor, immigration and economic policies that place unreasonable burden on all students, and discriminate against non-Finnish students and staff.

Matti Hokkanen (Espoo, 02.10.2023)


I support the petition and disagree with the government policies

Andrzej Tarasiuk (Espoo, 04.10.2023)


Doctoral Researcher, Computer Science Dept, School of Science

Karolina Drobotowicz (Espoo, 05.10.2023)


It's a good cause.

marco will (helsinki, 06.10.2023)


I am signing because i feel cut in educational and research spending will degrade education quality and finally affect industrial output

Udyant Kumar (Espoo, 11.10.2023)


Doctoral candidate, Department of Art and Media, Aalto ARTS

Cvijeta Miljak (Helsinki, 16.10.2023)

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