Suomen ja Venäjän rajaliikenne sallittava perhesiteellä.

Allekirjoitukset, joissa on kommentti mukana


Haluan että mulla on mahis tulla kotiin lyhyemmällä reitillä, turvallisesti

Emil Berdino (Kuopio, 19.11.2023)


Olen asunut Suomessa yli 30 vuotta. Pietarissa asuu yksin 88 äiti. Miten on mahdollista päästä Pietariin akuta tapausta varteen???

Marina Sarelainen (Tampere, 19.11.2023)


Ei ihana ,,Miksi rajat on kiinni?Äitini asuu suomessa,kaikki sukulaiseni asuu Suomessa!Ja sinä haluat erottaa meidät uudeksi vuodeksi!Ette ole ihmisiä vaan hirviöitä!

Veronika Isaeva (Petroskoi, 19.11.2023)


Helppo on päättää tuollaisia asioita kun ei ole lähisukulaisia rajan toisella puolella. Päättäkää tämä ongelma muulla tavalla, mutta älkää erottako perheitä.

Iida Sahari (Kotka, 19.11.2023)


I live and study in Finland, I’m planning to stay here for working and build my future, I want to be able to see my family, parents and siblings, regular people don’t have to suffer and be separated with their family

Alina Konoplianko (Helsinki, 19.11.2023)


En haluaisi että rajaa suljetaan se rikkoo monilta perhe ja sukalais suhteita

Nonna Jaakkola (Virolahti, 19.11.2023)


I don't think it's rational to close the border:

It adds more tax expenses to guard the border, and guess who pays? Not those smart companies who opened in Cayman Islands, as far as I know.

Fay liu (Helsinki, 19.11.2023)


My wife living in Finland and now she can’t come to me. And I’m can’t come for her.

Igor Panov (Viipuri, 19.11.2023)


I hate russian invasion on Ukraine and this war, I hate the actions of Russian border guards and provocations with refugees. But ordinary people not guilty.

Oleg V. (Turku, 19.11.2023)



Natalja Kähär (Vantaa, 19.11.2023)


Rajan pitäminen auki on hyvin tärkeä asia.

Mira Jokimies (Miehikkälä, 19.11.2023)


No onpas keksitty hyvä ratkaisu tähän ongelman, kiitos hallitus...

Semen Chukhno (Helsinki, 19.11.2023)



Maria Pavlova (Helsinki, 19.11.2023)


Please reconsider the decision to close the checkpoints between Finland and Russia. It completely ruins the perspective of reunion with my family for me as an asylum seeker who ran from mobilisation from Putin’s Russia, and it certainly adds a lot of unnecessary panic to my family and the families of people like me, who awaits legalisation and reunion here in Finland, hoping to become its law-abiding citizen. More, not only it adds up to the panic of theirs. Your extreme decision also signals to the families like mine, that they are undesirable and are unwanted even after they kept themselves sane and not obedient to Putin’s state propaganda during the last several years. It also stigmatises me and people like me, like my family, my teenage girls, desperate to see me after a year of my “status investigation, if they someday arrive here. Your decision due to your country state’s inability to prevent and control the border crisis properly already stigmatised me, my family and the Russians who don’t support Putin or its state’s perverse values to the most extreme end, making us and people like me to encounter negative consequences of such stigmatisation for years ahead. But I’m sure that you’re able to admit the mistakes and to find some effective indeed measures to redirect undocumented asylum seekers from the borders without the prolonged harm, leaving the checkpoints open for those who have all rights to visit Finland on residence permit or their relatives. I really hope that the government of the country that gave me this “frozen” status of asylum seeker would not behave like the country that I ran away from. Thank you.

Sergei Bondarev (Helsinki, 19.11.2023)


Hi, I can understand why you’ve made this decision, but this will not stop and help “anything”. People leave Russia because they don’t support government (if they have opportunity to leave), they move abroad to study at colleges and universities. Is it bad? Your decision will make situation worse. I beg you to give opportunity for families and friends to see each other not only in video calls at least.

Victoriya Volkova (Rostov-on-Don, 19.11.2023)


En ymmärrä, ettei rajoja voinut sulkea niin, että poikkeuksena EU-maiden ja Venäjän kansalaiset voivat ylittää rajan normaalisti. Nyt tämä päätös vaikuttaa erittäin negatiivisesti suureen määrään tavallisia suomalaisia ja venäläisiä ihmisiä.
Toiseksi, miksi Suomen ja Ruotsin välistä rajaa ei suljeta, sieltähän tulee myös paljon pakolaisia maahan? Ymmärtääkseni monikymmenkertaisesti.

Ivan Krylov (Helsinki, 19.11.2023)


Я гражданка России и мама гражданки Финляндии. Я очень хочу видеться с моей дочкой! Откройте границы!

Елена Рыканова (Санкт-Петербург, 19.11.2023)


My husband lives in Finland,works and pays the taxes. But I live in Russia and we want to have babies and live together in Finland.
I want to meet my husband as usual every one, two or three weeks and also travel to our Finish house too.

Christina Romanova (Kostomuksha, 19.11.2023)