Helsingin yliopiston työntekijät leikkauksia vastaan – tukiadressi opiskelijoiden valtaukselle

Allekirjoitukset, joissa on kommentti mukana


Muistakaa opiskelijoita hyvällä!

Markku Ojala (Vantaa, 26.09.2023)


To support the rights of all students and grant-funded researchers, especially for international students and researchers!
To against the racist policy!

Siqi Zhao (Helsinki, 26.09.2023)


Against the cuts of students and the discrimination of international students

Zhaozhi Luo (Helsinki, 26.09.2023)


I'm an international student who chose to work in Finland because of the culture of empathy and support that the previous government had developed. This new government is twisting this into something malignant and I'm not having any of it, not for me or anyone else in my situation. Stamp the biggots and the racists out.

George Woodward (Helsinki, 26.09.2023)


As an international staff member the government's proposed plans affect me directly, and additionally I support the students in their wishes to continue to allow education to be accessible to the many, not the few, and to oppose cuts that will put more stress on their ability to get a good education. In particular, I support the international students, upon whom more stress is put every year. Being far away from home, perhaps being a visible minority, the bureaucracy of setting up life in a new country, all of these things are hard enough, it will make it infinitely harder to be successful as a student if the new proposed cuts are put in place.

alyce whipp (helsinki, 26.09.2023)


Although I'm only here for one year, I have seen this pattern happen in many other countries in my 30 years of higher education work as a professor and administrator in multiple countries. It is deeply concerning. This seems to me to be a common political ploy to redirect limited higher education resources directly away from the most vulnerable members of the higher education community (i.e., lower-income students). The government should understand that its approach to higher education works extremely well compared to nearly all other countries, and this requires constant and consistent support and maintenance of the infrastructure. I urge the university's upper administration to voice its concern and regardless of whether they support the students' demands, to transmit those demands to the government publicly, in their official capacity.

Kirby Deater-Deckard (Helsinki, 26.09.2023)


The current govt proposals are against an ethical & moral stance by which people are equal.

Raul Vazquez (Helsinki, 26.09.2023)


These restrictions and new guidelines are unjust and contrary to the guiding principles of a university.

Adrianne Spunaugle (Helsinki, 26.09.2023)


Me allekirjoittaneet työskentelemme Helsingin yliopistolla. Osoitamme solidaarisuutta opiskelijoille ja tuemme valtauksen vaatimuksia. Emme pidä yliopiston johdon tähänastista reaktiota riittävänä. Yliopiston johdon tulee näkyvästi ja määrätietoisesti puolustaa kaikkien opiskelijoiden toimeentuloa, hyvinvointia ja asemaa.

Nina Maskulin (Helsinki, 27.09.2023)


We, the undersigned, work at the University of Helsinki. We show solidarity with the students and support the demands of the occupation. We do not consider the reaction of the university management to date to be sufficient. The university management must visibly and resolutely defend the livelihood, wellbeing, and status of all students.

Xueli Zhang (helsinki, 27.09.2023)