Koirakuiskaaja Cesar Millan pois TV:stä
Vieras Vieras |
/ #46 vielä lisäys01.08.2010 22:10#45: pakko tämän kerran kommentoida - niin... http://www.cesarsway.com/askcesar/Overexcitement/Using-an-Electric-Collar
"I have recently "inherited" a 30-pound, seven-year-old mixed breed female dog after my aunt died. Moesha is a smart, part greyhound, part whatever-dog with fairly good manners. She has two major problems which have scared me enough to write you: 1.) running away if any door or gate is cracked open and 2.) me being unable to keep her from dragging (running) on a leash when I am trying to walk with her. I also have three other mixed breed rescue dogs, with good manners and who know who their pack leader is. I have had about twenty other dogs in my life and have never had a problem with dogs running away. I can usually convince them that running away is not in their best interest -- that way we can walk calmly out front of the house without leashes and they listen well. My husband wants to use an electric collar (which I really don't like) to zap her into behaving. I hate that concept, but it is better than getting hit by a car. I currently put her on a leash, and she behaves fairly well while the other 3 walk around. How can I break Moesha of this habit since she is seven years old and has been this way all of her life for her previous owners? She is really fast too -- we have clocked her in a car doing between 30-35 mph."
"First, I'll address the touchy issue of e-collars. I believe any tool that works for you and that you feel comfortable with ethically - - including an e-collar -- is acceptableas long as you know how to use the tool 100% correctly and that it ultimately creates a positive impact or produces positive behavior in the dog. In the situation you are in, if the e-collar is the tool you choose, it could indeed be an effective way of saving your dog's life. In other words, when a dog runs away compulsively, especially such a fast dog, the possibility of the dog getting hurt from a car are much higher than getting hurt from an e-collar. That said, it's essential that you learn how to use an e-collar properly because they have different levels of intensity and you have to know which level to use depending on your dog's size, age, energy level, etc. The concept behind e-collars is without a doubt to save a dog's life. It was not created to hurt the dog, but the mild shocks are intended to produce an unpleasant experience that the dog will want to avoid. You the owner have to do your research and perhaps consult a professional or vet before you attempt to use the tool, because, in the wrong hands or used improperly, it can indeed create a traumatic experience for your dog." |
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