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/ #421 Re: Re:

12.04.2015 18:30

#417: - Re:  



Ranskan suurista  La Manif-  eli "Ei avioliittoa kaikille" marssin puuhamiehistä löytyy hyvin paljon 

 So too the reasons why so many homosexuals supported this march: many of them know what we all should know that children have a fundamental right to their own biological mother and father.

Ja paljon kokenut Vietnamilainen  nuori:

“Hello to all…. My name is Benoît Talleu, I am 17 years old. I am from Vietnam, but they adopted me as a baby. My parents adopted seven children, and I am the oldest.
I am in this fight against gay adoption, along with associations for adopted children, because I have seen how this discussion has unfolded. People talk about this as if the primary concern were not us — the adopted children, ourselves.


“If you ask what adoptees want, they will give you only one answer: ONE MOTHER, ONE FATHER. 


“The difference here is between ‘needing’ and ‘wanting’. The orphan needs a mum and a dad. The couple ‘wants’ a child. Between ‘needing’ and ‘wanting’, I leave it to you to choose.”

He continues: “We hear people say, ‘living with a gay couple is better than staying in an orphanage.’ Hear what I say about such an assertion: That statement reeks of dishonesty. There are tens of thousands of hetero couples waiting to adopt us. 


“We hear, ‘oh things have evolved. So many countries are okay with gay marriage.’ But I tell you — we are a great nation. We are a great democracy. This bill for gay marriage is pure selfishness. The law belongs to protection of the weak, not to pander to those who are strongest. Mothers and fathers exist for children, not the other way around.

“France is the nation where the rights of man were born. So we are also the nation for the rights of the child. We are not the nation where children are a right; we are a nation where children have rights. Mr President, I tell you now, that we are the ones who matter in all this — by this I mean all orphans, all orphanages, all adopted children. Thank you all for mobilising.”

These are powerful words. The rest of the speech deserves to be read as well.

So the more honest homosexuals know what should always have been known: children must come first in these debates, and children have the right to be raised by their own mother and father wherever possible. Anything less is a form of child abuse.