Oulun kansainvälistä koulua ei saa heikentää ja halvaannuttaa


/ #27 Time to support growth for Oulu by supporting OIS

20.11.2014 20:33

Cutting down the Oulu International School program would seriously degrade the competitiveness and potential for Oulu to recover the lost jobs and the taxpayer base that this town desparately needs!  Now is the time to invest more in programs that attract international investment, tax paying jobs and unique expertise to Oulu.  A school like OIS helps to attract companies and people who contribute to Oulu.

Also to those who are concerned about children losing out on learning Finnish and the local culture, I can say based on our experience we see the kids at OIS are learning Finnish with a high priority alongside English.  Moreover the understanding and appreciation for Finnish culture and language is a highly valued part of the program.   

Oulu, do not undermine your future with shortsighted cuts!

M. Suvilaakso