Median lopetettava vääristelty Israelin vastainen uutisointi


/ #268 Re: Ni joo

14.09.2014 12:40

#267: M still Saari - Ni joo 

Hei. You are boring. If you want to go anywhere and make any  gallup please do it. You can also study the social and religious background of other arabs' attrocities against their fellow muslims. Good luck!

Please  study why do they cut throats and throw stones on ppl. what does it have to do with Israel? Try to find out why do they hate each other so much?Do you think if  sunnies and shias that believe  in the same allah can behead each other they can tolerate jews or christians? How would you behave if you are left alone  in the crowd of hungry cannibals?