Avioliitto on naisen ja miehen välinen julkinen liitto


/ #29865

26.02.2014 22:18

MassRecistancen kokemuksista ovat kiinnostuneet muut maat ja osavaltiot, ja ovat käyttäneet
esim. heidän pamflettiaan omissa kampanjoissaan:

Here are a few more examples of where that original pamphlet was used:

Iowa: Our pamphlet was distributed across the state. One person published it as a full-page ad in a local newspaper. Subsequently, three pro-"gay marriage" judges were voted out of office!

Hawaii: In February 2009 a major "civil unions" bill was up before the Hawaii legislature. We supplied the pamphlet to activists and also legislators. The bill was killed. The following year a Hawaii state senator phoned to thank us for providing the material to successfully stop a "gay marriage" bill in his committee.

Maine: The week before the November 2009 referendum which overturned their new "gay marriage" law, a printout of the pamphlet was mailed to 200,000 homes across the state. We also held a press conference that final week in the Maine State House with activists, further highlighting the information in the pamphlet.

Croatia votes overwhelmingly to ban 'gay marriage' despite intimidation tactics

Voters ignore pressure from government, media, activists (and even US State Dept).
Ten thousand Hawaii citizens rally against 'gay marriage' outside of State House

Arrogant Senate cuts off public hearing to pass bill. Battle moves to the House.

Australia facing same-sex "marriage" legislative threat this month!

Threat returns after being stopped last year. MassResistance helping activists.

VICTORY: Pro-family forces stop "gay marriage" in Illinois legislature as session ends for summer

In Jamaica: MassResistance helps citizens confront ‘gay’ agenda.