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/ #29821 Re: Re: MassResistance

26.02.2014 18:55

#29816: - Re: MassResistance


Vielä,  jos jaksais pari asiaa  tästä Massachetin jutusta.   Myös FBI:Tä C.pitää homomaail-
maa syleilevänä.  

Seuraavasta kappaleesta näkee hyvin,  missä hengessä Wikipedian artikkeli on laadittu:

"MassResistance has always maintained staunch opposition
to same-sex marriage.[9]

In its booklet, What same-sex 'marriage' has done to Massa-
chusetts, Camenker characterizes acceptance of same-sex
marriage as "a hammer to force the acceptance and normali-
zation of homosexuality on everyone". The organization objects
to schools teaching children that same-sex marriages are a
normal part of society. They cite "radical" activist judges and
"cowardly" politicians as factors in the increasing acceptance
of same-sex marriage, and warn the public to fight back.