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/ #2274 Re: Re: Re: Voi lapsi parka

25.03.2013 12:23

#2026: - Re: Re: Voi lapsi parka

Romans 1:18

On the other hand,God``s indignation is revealed from heaven against all impiety and wickedness of men who through their wicked  ways suppress the thruth:because whatever can be known regarding God is evident to them,for God has shown it to them.From the creation of the world His invisible qualities,such as His eternal power and divine nature,have been madevisible and have been understood through His handiwork.So theyare without excuse.Because although they had knowledge of God.they failed to render Him the praise and thanks due to God.Instead,they indulged in their speculations until their stupid minds were allin the dark.Claiming to be wise,they became foolish.They even altered the glory of the immortal God into images in the form of mortal man and of birds,quadrupets and reptiles.

Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to such impurity as dishonoured their own bodies.since they altered God"s truth into falsehood,and revered and served the creature rather than Creaton.Who is Blessed for ever.Amen.

For this reason God abandoned them to shameful passions.Their women perverted natural functions for unnatural and similarly the men forsook their natural relationships with women and burned up with their lust for one another,men committing shamelessness with men and so acquiring in their personal the penalty that was coming to them on account of their wrong behavion.Just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any more ,so God gave them over to depraved thoughts,to practice what is not decent,because they have been filled with every sort of wickedness,immorality,depravity,andgreed;crammed with envy,murder,quarrelling,deceit and malignity,as gossips,slanderers,Godhaters,insolent,proud,and boastful.invertors of evil.disobedient to parents:without conscience,fidelity,naturel affection or pity.While knowing God"s ordinance,that those practicing such things deserved death,they not only practice them,but ever give their approval to those who do them.