hartwall boikottiin lapin Kullan tornion tehtaan sulkemisesta.
Elikkä nimeä listaan jo ette halua että Lapinkulta lähtee Torniosta.
Kaikki jotka ovat sitä mieltä ettei Lapin Kultaa voi painaa muuallako Torniossa niin mukaan vaan! Pistetään Hartwall oikein kunnolla boikottiin!
Hartwall on sulkemassa Tornion panimon vuoden kuluttua. Panimon noin 100 työntekijää aiotaan irtisanoa. Lisäksi myyntitoiminnoissa on 30 henkilön vähennystarve.
Lapin Kulta, the last beer brewed in Lapland, will soon be history if
Jan-Kees Nieman, the green CEO of Hartwall (part of Heineken group) gets his
will. He wants to close the 136-year-old brewery in Tornio, Lapland.
Lapin Kulta (Gold of Lapland) is the best known Finnish beer in the world.
The brand gets its strength from the clean arctic waters and clean
ingredients of Lapland growing under the midnight sun. Closing the Lapland
brewery would mean that Lapin Kulta is no longer a genuine Lapland product
and more than 100 people will loose their jobs.
According to Jan-Kees Nieman the consumers (read: you) do not care if the
Gold of Lapland is really brewed in Lapland! Can this Dutchman decide if you
know what is real or fake? Do you allow him to under estimate your
intelligence as a consumer in such a way?
We don’t! Therefore we have started a battle to show Nieman that we as
consumers know what is real, and that we care. We want to to keep the
brewery in Lapland and thus secure the world will be able to enjoy genuine
Lapland beer also in the future.
Join us!
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