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Messias tulee, oletko hereillä?

#23084 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Katse moraalin ytimeen...

26.10.2013 13:35

#23078: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Katse moraalin ytimeen...

Varoisin arvostelemasta Herran lähettämää profeettaa. Tuomari seisoo ovella, jätän asian Hänen haltuunsa.



#23088 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Katse moraalin ytimeen...

2013-10-26 14:00:19

#23084: Messias tulee, oletko hereillä? - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Katse moraalin ytimeen...

"well i found some fun facts about him on the internet!
1. he claimed that the great lakes would overflow and wreck us and canada…. and claimed hurricane irene was the fullfillment of prophecy with the help of some sloppy editing on youtube vids
2. claimed that effiel tower would collapse and 10 days after the japanese tsuami claimed it was actually towers in fukushima power plant that fell with the help of even more sloppy editing
3. in 2004 claimed an earthquake would devaste the kenyan city of Nairobi…still waiting
4.in 2007 claimed an earthquake would destory the university in Nairobi….there was a minor earthquake a few months later and he claimed his prophecy was fullfilled
5.claimed an earthquake would destory sweden in2010… still waiting
6.claimed an earthquake would destory germany in 2006…still waiting
7.claimed that there was distress coming to UK… and claimed the norway attacks by that crazy gun guy was the fullfillment of that propehcy
8.claimed a MAJOR earthquake was coming to the west……a few hours after that there was a 5.6 earthquake in virgina, claimed he was right
9.claimed the 4th horseman of the aplocapse was unleashed in egypt… actually that was just a camera smudge
10. A major tsuami was coming to an asian communist country he says….no asian communist country exists in a major tsuami zone
11.he is called my lord by his followers
12. in 2009 , at least 13 ppls died at or returing from his healng crusades
13.he lives like a king
14.he makes ppls bow down at him and confess their sins to him
15.is really mean to his follwers
16. has a whole bunch of bodyguards (i thoguht prophets were protected by God!)
16.his own marching band
17.the kenya govt give him money"

huijari mikä huijari

#23092 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Katse moraalin ytimeen...

2013-10-26 14:23:30

#23084: Messias tulee, oletko hereillä? - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Katse moraalin ytimeen...

Uhkailet siis jälleen?

Äijä kulkee maailmalla paikoissa, joissa luonnonkatastrofeja todennäköisesti tulee tapahtumaan ja yrittää ympätä omat profetiansa toteutumaan siellä - Meksikossa kun varmasti jossain vaiheessa järähtää ja hurrikaani iskee varmasti USA:n etelärannikolle. Sitten on helppoa ympätä sinne oma asenteellinen agendansa, homouden synti New Orleansissa ja sitä rataa!. Karmeaa ihmisten hädällä ratsastusta ja rahastusta, ilmaiseksi ei hemmo missiotaan maailmalla levitä.

Ja kuten lähimmäinen tuolla ylempänä referoi, ei ole osumatarkkuus ollut ihan sataprosenttinen. Kaikki tarkat profetiat menneet pieleen, ja "toteutuneet" olleet sen verran epämääräisiä, että ne on voinut jälkikäteen liittää johonkin tapahtumaan. Kerrassaan amatöörimaista ja halpahintaista.

Äläkä vaan taas vastaa, että en toki uhkaile, kunhan vain ilmoitin.....